Seven Years On: Genevieve

Since July 2015 Genevieve has done…well honestly, a lot. She moved to Astoria with her then partner. Quit her job (tech events) in 2017, started a new job in high end wedding invitations. That lasted 6 months, she was miserable every day. She returned to tech events, freelance. She started coordinating for a Technical Director and got to help produce events like BlizzCon and HPE Discover. She got engaged. She planned a wedding. Covid hit. Her job went away and her wedding was cancelled. She started working with Olivia at March Lion Media. She planned and cancelled another wedding. She ended her engagement and moved out of Astoria one morning with a car filled with her stuff, and her father’s deceased cat (a story for another day). She moved back to Long Island and founded a company with her sister. At moment of publication she is spending 5 months in the UK.